Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday randomness...

1. I think I jinxed the Yankees by writing about them in my last post, because they lost the next game... I did, however, send Eric a text message during the third game to ask for extra Yankee voodoo with the addition of Connor drool -- that totally did the trick, by the way, because the Yankees managed to tie the game in the ninth inning and then won in the 12th. But last night, I forgot about calling in a request for Connor-drool-powered voodoo, and we LOST in the 13th inning. What is it with these low-scoring tie games that keep going into extra innings?? Eric, if you're reading -- get Connor ready for some serious voodoo tonight. I want the Yankees to be up by, oh, say, TEN runs in the fifth inning...

2. Confession: I have not watched any of the presidential/vice presidential debates. In fact, I've been really discouraged by politics in general lately. I think one of the things that bothers me the most is the inability (or unwillingness) of people on both sides of the issues to even attempt to see the point of view of the other side. Until people can sit down and say, "hmmm... I don't agree with you, but I can see why you might feel that way. How about we compromise with ABC?" I don't see how anything will ever truly change. Because all that seems to happen NOW is that one side will say, "you're an idiot" and the other side will say, "well YOU'RE a moron" and that's as far as the discussion moves. Compounding the issue is the ever-present anonymity of the internet -- sitting behind a computer screen apparently negates the "treat others with respect" filter that most people try to employ when interacting in person. Hiding behind usernames and avatars, people turn into angry, senseless, immature seventh graders. And all of these people (well, some of them, anyway) will be voting in November. Yay.

3. Has it occurred to anyone else that Christmas is barely more than two months away?? (How does this time of year always manage to sneak up on me?) Fortunately, I have yet to see a holiday-themed commercial or red-and-green-bedecked department store, even though I could swear the commercials start earlier and earlier every year. (And, granted, I haven't been to a department store since Rick and I hit up Macy's on Michigan Avenue a few weeks ago... but I think I'll stay away from any stores until after Halloween... that way I can at least PRETEND that they waited until November before bringing out the decorations...)

4. Riff has gotten into the habit of kneading blankets before he curls up on them to nap. He never used to do that -- he would just find a good spot and lie down. But now, you'd think he was making bread dough... or possibly homemade pasta... and he won't curl up in that spot until all of the imaginary ingredients have been well-mixed. It's pretty adorable, actually...

5. And now I'm off to jump on the treadmill for a while, before our weekly fish and chips meeting with Faisal... (Seriously -- we go to the Duke of Perth so often that we really ought to have our own table... and our food should be ready as soon as we sit down... and every third visit should be free. Just saying...) Hope everyone has a good weekend!


LL Cool Joe said...

Both our cats used to knead their blankets before they settled down. It was cute.

As for Christmas, we've already booked our table for lunch out on Christmas day. :D

G. B. Miller said...

You're living in the wrong part of the country, or at least visiting the wrong stores.

Already seen an entire sectionj of my fave department story decked out in Christmas schtuff.