Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Under the weather...

That’s a strange expression… “under the weather.” What does the weather have to do with anything? And what if the weather is warm and sunny? If you’re under the warm and sunny weather, well, that doesn’t sound so bad… Now, if you’re under the gray, stormy thunderstorm, THAT could be unpleasant…

Anyway… Rick and I both came down with some sort of coldy/fluey thing this weekend. (Yes, I know I’m making up words… I suppose I should say “cold-like” and “flu-like,” right? Nick has already given me a hard time about using “coldy” on my Facebook status update today, and my self-proclaimed “wordologist” friend Faisal is in agreement with Nick… I can’t believe that… you’d think the guy who invented “comfortability” could at least give me “coldy.” :)) So I’ve been feeling sort of puny and icky the last few days. I’ve been hanging out at home, resting up, and hoping I’ll be (at least almost) 100 percent by Friday, when we’re flying up to Chicago. The last time I flew on a plane with a cold, I couldn’t get my ears to pop when we were landing. It was remarkably painful, and something I have no desire to go through again. I WILL be taking a decongestant before I get on the plane on Friday…

But it hasn’t been so bad – I mean, at least I have a good book to read:

And this adorableness to keep me company:

Plus this one, who decided to help me write emails:

And, of course, I have plenty of ginger ale:

And colorful glass bottles for random picture-taking:

Okay, so maybe my pictures aren’t very interesting when I’m sick… :)

And on an unrelated note, I just saw the first official television advertisement of the Christmas season… and it’s, let’s see… October 7th. Not even Halloween yet. I’m waiting for the day when Christmas ads are just run year-round. They seem to get earlier and earlier every year…

Sigh… I guess this means I need to start my Christmas shopping… :)

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