I’ve been busy all day – doing laundry, packing, and cleaning up the house in case anyone drops by to view it (someone really is supposed to come by this week… I hope they don’t forget…). Echo is definitely on to me – I try so hard to be casual and nonchalant when I start packing for a trip, but somehow she always knows that I’m up to something. I very calmly take things into the closet and stack them in piles, so I can quickly pack everything into my suitcase once Echo is over at Rick’s parents’ house – if I were to bring the suitcase out while she’s here, she would DEFINITELY know I was getting ready to cart her off to another house. But I always hope that by waiting until she’s gone, I give her a few more hours of calm… and yet she STILL knows that something isn’t right…
We leave for Chicago tomorrow morning… and I’m SO ready for some cold weather (oh, that reminds me – I’d better not forget to pack my coat…). It was almost 80 degrees here today – that is just NOT right when Thanksgiving is only a week away. The temperature in Chicago is supposed to be in the 30s while we’re there. Which is good for two reasons – one, because it’ll actually FEEL like November… and two, because fewer people tend to visit Ghirardelli when it’s cold out. (Yay! Who’s ready for hot fudge sundaes at Ghirardelli? :))
I’m leaving to take Echo to Rick’s parents’ house at about 8 o’clock, and then I can come back here and finish packing. So far, the cats seem none the wiser… they’re both conked out on the couch. (It must be so hard to be a cat and to have a constant need for power naps…)
So hopefully I’ll get some pictures of some Chicago-y stuff up within the next few days. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Since you're so lonesome for cold weather, you may certainly have mine.
Virginia is in the SOUTH, weather gods. That's S-O-U-T-H. 28 degrees is NOT southern weather.
have a great time and "see" you when you get back.
Haha! :) You know, usually I don't mind the warm weather in Austin so much -- it's just around Thanksgiving and Christmas that I wish for cold. If it was warm 10 months out of the year, and then cold during November and December, I'd be happy with that. But I mostly grew up in the north, so I guess it's all those childhood memories of cold, snowy holidays that make me pine for lower temperatures... :)
And thanks, Jannie! I did have a great time -- saw a few snow flurries, got to visit with my brother, used the winter coat I hardly ever pull out of my closet... it was fun! :)
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