Thursday, October 04, 2007

A few random thoughts...

So it’s October 4th, we’re well into the “autumn” season, and we have yet to see a day where the temperature hasn’t hit 90 degrees here in Austin. This is one of those times when I really miss the northeast – where, even when the afternoon temperatures would climb, at least the evenings would be cool… at least there was a HINT of the cooler weather to come. At least you could begin to haul out the long-sleeved t-shirts and jackets, knowing sweaters and wool coats weren’t far behind. But here, I’m still wearing flip flops for goodness sake. Give me a reason to put socks on… c’mon… just one pair of cozy socks…

My mom and I decided to trek over to another Seattle’s Best coffee shop this morning – a bit of a drive compared to our old standby, but we figured we might be able to discover some of the reasons behind the demise of our favorite shop. We ran into the girl who used to manage our Seattle’s Best, and now she’s the manager of this other shop. Apparently, our beloved Seattle’s Best had been losing money for quite a while, and they were struggling to keep the place open for the benefit of its loyal patrons. And then another Starbucks opened a few stoplights down the street (a Starbucks with a drive-through, no less… much more convenient for morning rush-hour commuters…) and our new toll roads opened (meaning people are now taking completely new routes to get to wherever they’re going) and the poor little Seattle’s Best was unable to withstand the lack of business. Such is the world of competitive, designer coffee, I suppose…

Anyway… so last night I was watching CSI: NY… let’s see… there are now three CSI shows, right? One in Las Vegas, one in New York, and one in Miami. When are they gonna create a CSI that takes place in some totally random town? Like CSI: Duluth. Or CSI: Boise. I can’t be the only one who’s curious about the crime rate in Boise. How DO they keep all those potatoes safe? But I digress… so I was watching CSI: NY, and for the hundredth time since I started watching all these CSI shows I wondered – do you suppose REAL crime scene investigators constantly state the obvious when they’re working together? Like last night, two CSIs were analyzing the contents of a syringe, and they discovered it contained cortisone. So one of them immediately says, “cortisone? An anti-inflammatory?” and the other one says, “Yeah, for arthritis and things like that…” And I couldn’t help but think, okay, you guys are supposed to be experienced professionals… you KNOW what cortisone is, you KNOW what an anti-inflammatory is, you KNOW what people with arthritis might take to help their condition – are you REALLY going to bounce the obvious off each other? No, of course not – they write this ridiculous dialogue into the show for the benefit of those of us in the viewing audience who’ve never heard of that mysterious stuff called “cortisone.”

Well, I don’t have very much of interest to say today, so in closing I’ll just say this: GO YANKEES!!!!

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