Friday, November 07, 2008

San Antonio...

Aunt Carol and Steve and Jess and Grace are here for a visit, so we all drove down to San Antonio today. It seems like every time I'm down by the Riverwalk, it gets more and more crowded. I think eventually they'll have to widen all the sidewalks to make room for the tourists... except the only way to do that is to either encroach upon the shops and restaurants (which would entail a significant amount of remodeling), or widen the sidewalks into the river -- which would involve much less effort, but result in a much smaller river. It would turn into the Creekwalk... or the Brookwalk... or the Streamwalk... And how many tourists would show up for something called the Streamwalk???

Here are a few pictures from today:

View of the river (soon-to-be stream...) from the restaurant where we ate lunch...

Grace was having too much fun eating her after-lunch ice cream...

Christmas decorations were already displayed on the buildings along the river... (Seasons Greetings! It's 80 degrees! Wait -- which season are we celebrating??)

More Christmas decorations...

Outside the Alamo...

I'm not even sure what this building is -- I just liked the ornate tower with the flag on top...

Saw this blue merle Sheltie outside the Alamo... I hardly ever see any blue merles besides Echo, so I had to take a picture. Shelties are the best... :)


Jannie Funster said...

Oh, that reminds me of how lovely it is down there, haven't been in 6 years! Kelly would love it, perfect teim of the year to go now. I think if you can swing it on a Tuesday, rather than a weekend it would be a hwole new world.

Hmmn, take a day off school sometime? Maybe.

Lisa said...

Just think of it as a field trip -- a visit to the Alamo can be quite educational. :) And this is a great time of year to go -- they already have the Christmas lights strung up in all the trees on the river, so it would be even prettier at night! (Kinda makes me want to just get a hotel room on the river for a night... that way, I wouldn't have to fight the traffic back into Austin... :))