Anyway… in an effort to keep warm, I am sipping a cup of green Tazo tea that was included in a box of Cranberry Almond Crunch cereal I just finished. Yes, once you start eating “grown-up” cereal, the “prizes” are much less interesting. I could’ve bought a box of Fruit Loops and dug around until I found the super secret decoder ring, but no – I bought Cranberry Almond Crunch and was granted three free tea bags. I figure the next box I buy will have the free lace doilies…
I’m drinking “Zen,” which is “an enlightening blend of the finest green teas and rare herbs available in this world.” (Yes, but what about ANOTHER world? Pluto, perhaps? Are there better herbs available on Pluto?) The package says, “high in the Kunlun Mountains of China, monks spend days chanting and meditating in hopes of reaching complete enlightenment. Periodically they stop for a cup of tea quite like this.” Reading that just makes me really glad I’m not a Chinese monk. So all they do is mediate all day, and then “periodically” stop to drink tea? I’m not sure I could handle that much excitement in my life… I mean, my life is already so exciting, what with my breakfast cereal and my free tea and the ridiculously cold Texas springtime weather…
And Rick woke up this morning not feeling well, and eventually developed a 101 degree fever, which seemed so well-timed. It was like, “freezing cold weather = bout with the flu.” So now, as I once again listen to the clacking sound of sleet hitting the windows, I’m hoping my much-lauded super immunity will protect me from whatever germs are floating around my house. Basically, as far as Saturdays go, this one has been a bit of a let-down.
But it’s not as bad here as it is up near Buffalo in East Aurora, where my dad is visiting my grandfather for his birthday. He sent a bunch of pictures:
Uncle Lee and Aunt Carol in front of a coffee shop in town...
Driveway to Aunt Carol's house...
Aunt Carol's house...
So I guess we don't have it so bad here in Texas. Especially since it's supposed to be 83 degrees by Tuesday. Until then, I'll just keep drinking my Chinese monk tea...
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