In preparation for our upcoming trip to New York/Chicago, I bought some new travel toothbrushes – the kind that snap into two parts, so after you’ve used them you can snap them into their own convenient little storage containers. This particular brand was treated with some sort of anti-bacterial coating, so it automatically kills germs on the toothbrush when it’s sitting around. That’s nice, I guess… although really not a prerequisite when I’m buying a travel toothbrush (it just so happened these were the only travel toothbrushes at Walgreens…). And then I saw this exclamation on the back of the package: “Have peace of mind with a cleaner toothbrush when on the go!”
And I was like, “oh, thank goodness… all those vacations that have been ruined by my non-stop toothbrush worry – they’re finally over!” I mean, really – how many times have you been sitting on a plane, getting ready to journey to some far-off destination, and all you can think of is how your toothbrush is festering in the stuffy, bacteria-ridden confines of your suitcase? The last time I was in Hawaii, I was laying on the beach under the sunny blue sky, listening to the waves crashing on the shore, and there was only one thing on my mind – my germ-laden toothbrush. It’s about TIME someone gave me peace of mind with a cleaner toothbrush…
I’m actually looking forward to trying out Jet Blue on this trip – we’re flying up to JFK on Jet Blue… and I think we’re flying on Jet Blue from JFK to Chicago later in the week. Every time I see that Jet Blue commercial with the catchy music and all the weird people (because really, they ARE rather weird people…) I’m all excited to fly on Jet Blue. Which is ridiculous, because it’s just an airline – unless they have feather beds and homemade chocolate chip cookies and an in-flight aromatherapy spa, they can’t be THAT much better than any other airline. But those stupid ads are so catchy – I guess it’s awfully good marketing, because they really HAVE made me want to fly Jet Blue…
I bought a new camera for the trip – a little purple Nikon Coolpix… it’s really small… and purple. So it’ll be really easy to carry around with me. And did I mention it’s purple? (Yes, only I would care about my camera being purple… :)) I reminded Rick yesterday about the time his parents came to visit us when we were living in New Jersey, and we all went into the city for the day. We stopped at a Starbucks, and Rick’s mom wanted to take a picture of us while we were sipping our drinks at the coffee shop table. But as soon as she took a picture, some horrible, rude, loud-mouthed woman behind the counter threw a fit – because apparently photography was absolutely prohibited in the Starbucks. I mean, for all SHE knew, we were a bunch of corporate spies from a rival coffee conglomerate. At least I’m assuming that’s what she was worried about… who cares if you take a picture in a Starbucks??? And even if you’re really, really, anti-photo, can’t you be POLITE about it? Don’t proliferate the “loud, rude New Yorker” stereotype. I’ve met too many nice New Yorkers to fall for THAT little trick. Yeah, that’s right – I know you were just a generally annoying, all-around miserable human being, Rude Starbucks Anti-Photo Lady. And you’d STILL be annoying even if you lived in Fargo, North Dakota…
But the funny thing is, Rick doesn’t even REMEMBER the New York Starbucks photography kerfuffle. So if we go to a Starbucks in New York and he wants to take any pictures, I’ll just let him do whatever he wants and see what happens. And my new purple camera is so small that we can probably sneak some pictures in without anyone noticing…
So hopefully I’ll have some New York/New Jersey pictures to post within the next couple days. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
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