Thursday, September 16, 2010

More randomness...

Argh!! I logged into Blogger to begin writing my 5th post of the month (since we are now more than halfway through September and I am only halfway to my goal of 8 posts...) and I discovered that I have a total of exactly 666 posts on my blog. Evil blog... eeeeeeeviiiiil blog... I must perform a blog exorcism -- which involves writing another post so the total will be 667. It's an intricate process, but I think I can handle it...

Actually, I'm at a loss for words tonight (or maybe I'm just tired), so perhaps a few random photos? Sure, why not! :)

By the way, I have no idea who this baby is -- just a random baby on a Hawaiian beach. But it's one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken (and this baby is probably seven or eight years old by now... :)).

Five posts down, three to go!


G. B. Miller said...

Now that's an interesting shot of the cat.

Probably is thinking, "Drat, now I have to find another good hiding place."

Lisa said...

Yeah, I could never figure out how she got back there without disturbing a single book! It WAS a good hiding place -- I remember looking ALL over for her one day before finally finding her behind those books! :)