Saturday, May 31, 2008

Well, whaddya know...

So it turns out that "ridiculosity" is a REAL word. Who knew?? Here I thought I was just making up a really stupid-sounding variation on a real word, a la "comfortability"... but I actually "made up" a word that does, in fact, exist. Even why I TRY to be linguistically challenged, I end up speaking correctly. Sigh... I guess we can't ALL be fake-word experts... :)


Anonymous said...

In training yesterday a police commander repeated the word "mediocrisy" 4 times. She had trouble putting a sentence together, but clearly stated that one word over and over. She said it so often I thought maybe it was a isn't, right??

Lisa said...

You know, I was going to say "no way" and leave it at that, but I thought I'd better look it up, considering the ridiculosity of "ridiculosity" being a word. And it turns out that "mediocracy" IS a word that means "government or rule by a mediocre person or group." So if that fits whatever she was talking about, I guess she was right. (Unless she MEANT to say "mediocrity," which is a word used much more often than "mediocracy." And if THAT'S the case, then she's just plain stupid... :))

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric,

Maybe she was just a mediocre person. :-) (And by the way, my dictionary does not have the word "mediocracy".)

Love ya'


Anonymous said...

She DEFINETLY didn't mean it that way. Now I feel even smarter though, because I not only am smarter than her, but I have a sister who is smarter than everybody!! Will you come to class with me this week?

Lisa said...

If she uses that word again, can I make a sound like a game show buzzer and yell, "WRONG!"? Because if I can, I am SO there... :)

Anonymous said...

Pack your bags!