Saturday, January 02, 2010

A few more pics...

One of my resolutions this year is to post to my blog more often. Seventy-three posts for 2009?? That's just pathetic... I'm aiming for at least 74 this year... :)

To start us off, here are a few more Chicago pictures, pilfered from mom's camera:

O'Hare all decked out for Christmas...

On our way back to Eric's place after lunch... (nothing burns off the calories like a brisk walk through the snow... right?)

I didn't even think to take any pictures of the lights at night... but mom did! :)

 Someone was stalking us as we walked back from the Argo Tea shop...

 This is Eric's house (or, rather, the house he WISHES was Eric's house)...

 Here's Eric "helping" me make cookies...

And here's Kiko "helping" mom finish her glass of water...

Breakfast at the glass-enclosed pizza oven bar...

Okay, that's it for now... one post down, 73 more to go! ;)

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