Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Home sweet, uh, soon-to-be not home...

We're back in Austin for another, oh, 8 hours or so. I'm doing a quick load of laundry, and then heading straight to bed (it really FEELS like midnight right now, even though it's only 10 back in Vegas -- I think traveling by plane really saps my energy for some reason. But I guess that's good... I'm already reacclimated to the central time zone... :)). We'll hopefully be out of here by 7:30 or 7:45 tomorrow morning, and we'll see how far we get by tomorrow night...

I'm actually a little nervous about moving into the temporary apartment -- we haven't even SEEN the place yet, so I'm hoping it's okay. I mean, sure, it's only temporary... but I'd still like to be relatively comfortable in my temporarity (yes, I just made that word up). Temporarity comfortability. That's what I'm looking for...

And since the dryer just buzzed to inform me that my clothes are dry, I must go fold, pack, and get some sleep. I doubt I'll have a chance to post anything tomorrow, so -- see you in Chicago!!

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