Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Photo Project 4...

A photo of the last place you went on vacation.

I had to search back through my pictures to figure out when we last went on vacation. Apparently it was our trip to the Big Island back in May. I was rather surprised when I realized this trip was a mere nine months ago -- it seems like it was such a long time ago. I was just telling someone that this past year has seemed to simultaneously crawl along at a snail's pace and fly by disturbingly quickly -- how can it do both?? This trip seems like eons ago, yet I'm having a hard time believing that March is here already... I don't know where January and February went...

And again, I had a hard time choosing just ONE picture:

 The tree outside the Beach Tree restaurant at our hotel...

Dessert!! (I don't know HOW I can be thinking about dessert after all the dessert I've had this week... and yet this ice cream looks really good to me right now...)

 The beach...

Oh yeah -- NOW I remember what it's like to be somewhere warm... :)

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