Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo Project 6...

A photo that makes you laugh.

As always, I had a hard time choosing just one photo. So here are a few that at least elicit a chuckle now and then:

Who, exactly, were the toilet-water-drinking people who made this sign necessary??

What's even funnier about this picture is the fact that Riff is about three times as big as this now -- he makes Piva look like a tiny little dainty cat...

Eric and Eric in Costa Rica. This is pretty much a normal day for them...

Some crazy guy who was outside my car window in Montana...

And finally -- this is actually a picture from a t-shirt website, but I seriously love this shirt. (Made even funnier by the expression on this guy's face):

Hahahahahaha... :)


LL Cool Joe said...

That t-shirt cracked me up! D That's one flag I recognise. :D

Lisa said...

Ha! :) Yeah, I'm not sure if it's the wrong country/flag juxtaposition, or the look on that guy's face (or a combination of the two), but that picture made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it... :)