Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Because I have nothing else to say at the moment...

I started writing something else for the blog this morning, but was promptly interrupted by laundry and dishes and a walk down to Starbucks to buy coffee beans... etc, etc. And since (so far) it's a little more thoughtful and insightful than my usual nonsense, I figure it deserves my full attention some day when I have nothing to do but blog and analyze my weird life. (Oh, wait -- I analyze my weird life 24 hours a day... :))

But in the interest of posting something -- I just found this unfinished questionnaire thingy in my list of drafts. So I think I'll finish it and post it. Hooray! So here we go:

What was your first job? My first job actually began as a volunteer gig at the Sparta Public Library in Sparta, NJ. After I'd been there a couple months -- helping patrons and shelving books for free -- the library director called me into his office and asked if I'd like to be PAID for what I was doing. (You had to ask?? No, I hate getting money for doing work. Keep that stuff to yourself.) That job was great because I was surrounded by books... when things got slow, I had plenty of reading material.

Have you ever seen a stand up comedian? Um... I don't think so... oh -- maybe on a cruise ship once? (Does that count?)

When was the last time you played mini golf? Wow... I can't even remember. A looooooong time ago. I think Rick and I may have played mini golf once when we were dating? Maybe??

What was the last picture you took? I took this picture of the moon rising behind some buildings last night... but it turned out kind of blurry:

Burnt food: yes or no? I'm not a big fan of burnt food, but my dad loves it. Every time I make cookies for everyone, I have to make sure to burn some for dad. :)

If you have a pocket full of change, what do you do with it? I keep all my change in my wallet, so I never have a pocket full of change. (But when I start to accumulate too much change, I put some of it in one of the random jars of change we keep in the closet... Someday, we'll have to figure out how much random money is in the closet...)

Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Uh, no... (can anyone actually do that??)

Do you scrapbook? No, although I made a couple scrapbooks years and years ago when the whole scrapbooking trend was taking off. But eventually, I realized that I had neither the time nor patience to make a scrapbook of every semi-interesting event in my life...

Do you buy lottery tickets? The only time I've ever bought lottery tickets is when the jackpot reaches some ridiculously huge amount... and then it's usually Eric and Faisal's idea, and we all pool our money and buy tons of tickets and never win a thing. What an unlucky bunch we are...

Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I guess it's obvious from all the pictures on my blog that I love to be behind a camera. I don't necessarily MIND being in front of one, either, but seeing as I'm an extremely insecure and self-critical person, I only like about two percent of the pictures that are taken of me...

Scruffy or clean shaven? Uhhh... me?? Or are we talking about men here? Because if we're talking about men....

Oh, hello there Jason Momoa... what's that?? You want to run away with me to a tropical island and live on the beach? Well, if you insist...

(Hey, it's Rick's fault that I even KNOW who this guy is... If it weren't for Stargate Atlantis, I would be totally ignorant of Jason Momoa's existence. ;))

But to answer the original question (was there an original question???) -- actually, I'm usually more partial to clean shaven... but there's always an exception to the rule... 

What’s your favorite sundae topping? It depends on the ice cream -- if it's just plain vanilla, then I guess I'd go with hot fudge. But I LOVE chocolate ice cream with marshmallow topping. It can be hard to find a place that actually offers that combo, though...

Do you own slippers? I don't... I just wear a lot of socks...

Did you ever have a tree house? No... but when we were kids in Austin, we lived in a new housing development and were across the street from a bunch of empty lots... I remember Eric and I and some friends collected random scrap wood from the houses that were being built on the street and made our own little fort in the woods. I used to hide out in there and read books...

How you do relieve stress? Exercise -- it's pretty much the ONLY thing that works for me. If I didn't have my treadmill, I'd go insane...

What’s your favorite Dr. Seuss book? You know, this is probably some sort of blasphemy, but I've never been a huge Dr. Seuss fan. I mean, some of his books are a little bit creepy -- all the psychedelic colors and weird characters and made-up words... and the only reason you should ever eat green eggs and ham is if you WANT to be hospitalized with a nasty food-borne illness. (What kind of "doctor" ARE you, Dr. Seuss???)

Have you ever taken dance classes? Nope... in fact, I think the ONLY dance "experience" I have is from playing the part of a townsperson in my high school's production of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." My friend Ali and I were taught a great little dance part for the "town social" scene...

Which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary? Hmmm... interesting question. I actually use both of them fairly often. But I MIGHT use the dictionary slightly more often...

What’s your favorite form of exercise? Walking and jogging are pretty great -- simple, easy, cheap... but sometimes I like the structure and challenge of a dvd like Insanity or P90X... I also love to swim, but I'm not really a swimMER... if that makes any sense...

What’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line? I'm not sure... I can remember a couple really popular movie openings where I was in line for at least an hour... Other than that... maybe at the DMV?? If I've waited in line longer than an hour at the DMV, I probably blocked the horrible memory from my brain...

Can you use chopsticks? Yes -- in fact, I think I'm rather adept with chopsticks. They're kinda fun to use...

What is your favorite salad dressing? Blue cheese, unfortunately... because that has to be the WORST salad dressing for you. (Why can't I love a good fat-free vinaigrette?)

Can you sing the alphabet backwards? Hold on a sec.....

Nope. Definitely not.

Do you have any allergies? Well, I'm definitely allergic to cedar... and mosquitoes (although I think I'm starting to be LESS allergic to mosquitoes than I used to be... they used to inevitably swell up to the circumference of baseballs... lately, they're more like golf balls... And I think I completely avoided being bitten at all this past summer, which is highly preferable). I also seem to have a weird reaction if I eat too many almonds or drink almond milk... Which is is sad, because I really LIKE almonds. (But it could be worse -- I could be allergic to chocolate...)

Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Crunchy...

Have you ever hitchhiked? Do you people know me AT ALL???

Okay, that should be enough inconsequential information for one night... Off to watch sci-fi shows and eat (unburned) cookies...


LL Cool Joe said...

Wow that's a strange mix of questions. I don't like my food burnt either. And why does the question about chopsticks always come up in every meme! :D

Nice answers, I know a bit more about you now. :)

Lisa said...

Thanks! I think I like strange mixes of questions, because they're never boring... :)

G. B. Miller said...

Yeah, I say that this particular meme lived up to the quirky title of your wonderfully quirky blog.

Aunt Carol said...

I love the picture of Rick. Oh wait...that's not Rick, is it?

Lisa said...

Thanks, G -- I consider "quirky" a big compliment. :)

Aunt Carol -- of COURSE it's Rick... he's just hard to recognize with the dreadlocks... :)