Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lost spoilers and random stuff...

Did everyone watch Lost last night? Just in case there’s anyone reading who watches Lost on a regular basis and hasn’t seen last night’s episode yet – don’t read any more if you want to be surprised… Okay? Only non-Lost watchers/Lost watchers who have already seen last night’s episode/Lost watchers who haven’t seen last night’s episode but don’t care if they’re surprised or not – those are the only people reading, right? Okay…

I can’t believe they killed off Mr. Eko!! I LIKED Mr. Eko… Mr. Eko was interesting… Mr. Eko had a fun name. Of all the “tail section” castaways, Mr. Eko was the only one I actually cared about. In fact, of all the characters they’ve introduced since the originals, Mr. Eko was the best one. (By the way, whatever happened to Rose and Bernard? Are they still around somewhere? Haven’t seen them all season… even in the background… And what’s the deal with these new, random, “extra” castaways popping up in scenes? Like that couple that journeyed to the hatch with Locke and Sayid and Desmond on last night’s show – who the heck were they?? Am I supposed to just accept their presence within each scene as if they were there all along? Like I haven’t been observant enough and I’m just now noticing them? It’s like if you were eating dinner at a restaurant with a bunch of friends, and suddenly the maitre d ushered a few strangers to your table and expected you to carry on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened…)

But back to Mr. Eko… I actually found his character quite fascinating, and, I think, a character that could’ve grown so much more – it just seems like his story wasn’t finished yet. I can’t believe they cut him out like that. Unless he’s not really dead… I certainly wouldn’t put it past the writers to fake us out and have us THINK someone was dead when they really weren’t… And WHAT is that black smoke stuff? I mean, I can understand the “polar bear on a tropical island” thing, because the Others are obviously some kind of crazy mad scientists or something… and they probably have an entire zoo (why else would they have those cages where they’re keeping Kate and Sawyer?). But black smoky stuff that grabs people and slams them against trees?? I can’t really come up with a logical explanation for that… (But what am I saying? It’s LOST – it’s not supposed to be logical…)

Anyway… I don’t have anything terribly interesting to say today. So – some random thoughts, in no particular order:

I just read an article about a woman who went to the hospital with stomach pains, and ended up having a baby. She didn’t know she was pregnant. How do you miss something like that??? That would be like my worst nightmare… to just wake up one day and suddenly be a mom. There’s a reason you get nine months to prepare for it…

It’s only 60 degrees today. Two days in a row? Wow. Maybe autumn really IS here. (Why did I say that? I just jinxed it…)

I’m sort of half-watching “Top Chef” on Bravo, and I just heard one of the chefs say, “I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t like macaroni and cheese.” Obviously a person who hasn’t met my dad the cheese-hater…

Speaking of food, I made a great dinner the other night – curried chicken with peanut sauce. It was really yummy. And I snuck in a lot of curry. Rick usually hates it when I use curry. Ha! There was curry all over that chicken! And yes, my house DID smell like curry for two days afterwards, but who cares? (And what is it about curry that causes it to permeate walls and furniture and stick around for so long? Does it have some sort of unusual molecular structure that bonds with other molecular structures to create a super-indestructible-molecule?)

I need to clean my house a little bit… I probably shouldn’t be wasting time writing for my blog… that kitchen table isn’t going to clear itself off. But it’d be cool if it would… maybe I’ll just wait a little longer to see if my house will clean itself… :)

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