Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Project 2...

A photo of yourself a year ago.

I had to post this soon, since February is drawing to a close rather quickly -- this picture was taken in February last year when Rick and I went to Las Vegas. We were eating in a restaurant on Valentine's Day, and I guess they decided that there's nothing people like more on Valentine's Day than to be interrupted in the middle of dinner so someone can snap a photo. I was sure I'd hate the final product, so I was just posing for this to be nice. But surprisingly, I ended up liking the pictures, so we bought a few of them. I especially like the "80s-Glamour-Shots"-style fuzzy filter they used... yes, anyone can achieve flawless skin through the magic of cheating...

This is a picture of a picture, by the way... which is why the quality isn't great...

I'm off to clean a bit before mom and dad arrive this afternoon. Just in case they want to come over and expect my condo to NOT be dusty... :)

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