Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Bring on the fireworks!

Er, maybe not... Perhaps THIS is why we had fireworks on the 2nd instead of today -- apparently July 4th is the beginning of monsoon season... no fireworks HERE tonight. :)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Lisa or Rick! You could have come over to our house and taken a picture of the "lake" in our backyard!

Love you!

Evydense said...

You were right about the Boston show. I saw it listed in the TV guide yesterday, so on your recommendation I gave it a peek. A spectacle worth staying up for!!

Lisa said...

I'm glad you liked it! :) I was rather annoyed last night, because here in Texas, the Boston show was pre-empted by a show in Houston! So I wasn't able to see it this year -- it just doesn't seem like the 4th of July if I haven't watched the Boston Pops. Maybe next year I'll just GO to Boston to be sure I don't miss it... :)

Anonymous said...

What a storm! We had them too, but not that bad!