Monday, January 08, 2007

Look what I found...

My friend Cindy sent me one of these quiz things back when I was on vacation in Hawaii in November, and when I got home, I forgot all about it. I just discovered it a couple days ago, when I was skimming through some old emails. And I was like, “hey! One of those quiz things! I’ll have to use that for a blog post!” I’ve probably answered some of these questions in some of those other lists of questions I’ve posted… but just in case anyone forgot about how weird I am, here’s a refresher:

What time is it?
10:50 a.m.

Full Name?
Lisa Carol Something… I don’t know, should you just put your whole name on the internet? I suppose it doesn’t really matter… not like people can’t find your whole name in all kinds of other places on the internet. I actually kinda wish I’d kept my own last name when I got married – not that I don’t like Rick’s last name, but it’s very, very common. Whereas my own name is very, very uncommon. And it’s funny, because when I was growing up, I didn’t always like my last name, because it seemed so weird, and I felt like it just gave people another reason to make fun of me (although in reality, I don’t think they were actually making fun of my NAME – it was just the way they SAID it that made me feel that way…). But now I see that name as unique and unusual and interesting.

What are you most afraid of?
Really, it’s easier to just ask me what I’m NOT afraid of. Let’s see… I’m not afraid of heights… I’m not afraid of closed-in spaces like elevators… I’m not afraid of the dark… I’m not afraid to fly… I’m not afraid of anything inanimate like garlic or fabric (alliumphobia and textophobia, respectively… seriously, I just found this list of phobias, and apparently there are actually people who are afraid of garlic… vampires, maybe… I’m not sure who would be afraid of fabric…) By the way, am I the only one who thinks it’s hilarious that “Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia” is the “fear of long words”??

Baths or showers?
Showers… I haven’t taken a bath in who-knows-how-long…

Have you ever seen a ghost?
No. And thank goodness, because I’m a total phasmophobic…

Where were you born?
Buffalo, New York. Yippee.

Ever been to Alaska?
Yes. I love Alaska. It’s like Colorado on steroids…

Ever been toilet papering?
No. But I USE toilet paper – does that count for something?

Croutons or Bacon bits:
Probably croutons… not really a big fan of pork products… although I’m not necessarily a big fan of croutons on my salad, either.

Favorite day of the week:
Friday maybe… or maybe Saturday…

Favorite restaurant:
Hmmm… this is probably always changing, because I like to try new places. I love Roy’s, and there’s this great place downtown called The Roaring Fork… I also really love Keefer’s in Chicago, and The Saloon, where Eric took us for steak the last time we were there.

Favorite Flower?
Is it really prosaic to say rose? Yeah, probably. But I do like roses.

Favorite sport to watch?
Do I even have to say? (It’s baseball, in case anyone hasn’t been paying attention…)

Favorite Drink Alcoholic:
Why did this survey start talking like Yoda? Shouldn’t it be “favorite alcoholic drink”? Oh well… anyway, like the restaurant question, this probably changes all the time, too, because I like to try new things. Roy’s restaurant has a great Hawaiian martini that I like… and when we were in Las Vegas, Rick and I went to this great Mexican restaurant that served the BEST margaritas ever. Soooo good. And I just discovered mojitos, which are really good, too. I’ll just take one of each… (just kidding, mom… :))

Favorite Ice cream:
I love chocolate ice cream with marshmallow, but it’s really hard to find that combination in the popular ice creams out there.

Disney or Warner Brothers:
Uh, well, Disney has the better theme parks, I guess.

Favorite fast food restaurant:
I’m not sure I have a favorite… I suppose I’ll have to go with Chick-fil-A.

What color is your bedroom carpet?
A nice, boring, neutral, taupey-beige.

How many times you failed your driver's test?
I never failed my driver’s test, but the first time I went to take it, my mom brought along an EXPIRED insurance card, and I wasn’t allowed to take the test. That was funny. (Actually, I’m not sure I thought it was funny at the time, but it’s funny now. :))

Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from?
Well, like I said, I actually got this back in November, so I don’t know. But today, the last email I got was from Rick.

What do you do most often when you are bored?
Read, write, send text messages to Eric just to bother him…

Is it already? Wow. Seems rather early… oh wait, was that a question? I usually go to bed some time around midnight, give or take an hour…

Favorite TV show?
Hmmm… comedies, I like Scrubs and the Office… dramas, I like Lost, Heroes, and House. Interesting… I seem to like shows that exhibit a certain amount of brevity in their titles… And of course, I’m addicted to the Travel channel, Discovery channel, National Geographic, etc…

Ford or Chevy:
I actually prefer German cars. :) But if I had to choose, I guess I'd go with Ford...

What are you listening to right now?
Shakira on my iPod.

What are your favorite colors?
Purple. And purple. And lavender.

How many tattoos do you have?
Fourteen. Ha! Just kidding. None.

Do you have any pets?
My dog Echo and my cat Allegro.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Who cares? They’re both pretty tasty and quite versatile in many different kinds of recipes.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?
That’s like an entire blog post topic right there… maybe I’ll expound on it another time…


Anonymous said...

I'm first to comment!!!! haHA!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm second! (I hope.) I tried this earlier today and it didn't get posted for some reason. I just want to thank you, Lisa, for telling the world that I had an expired insurance card in my vehicle. :-) That was SO embarrassing! But I was so proud of you when you passed your test the first time - in a big van!!

I love you!