Wow... less than a week until Christmas?? That's crazy. Where did 2010 go? By the way, you're gettin' nothin' from me this year... whoever you are, wherever you live -- you're gettin' nothin'. Not because I don't care, and not because I don't like you, and not because I don't have the perfect gift in mind... quite the contrary -- I DO care, and I like you just fine, and I probably know EXACTLY what would make you say, "it's just what I wanted!" But we've had neither the time nor the money to focus on Christmas this year. We're moving AGAIN tomorrow, okay? There's too much going on!! Arrrgggghhhhhhh!!
Speaking of moving tomorrow -- we're a little apprehensive about this move. I keep running through my mental list of all the stuff we have, and I'm trying to figure out how much of it will actually fit into the new apartment. And how much of the rest will fit into storage. We got rid of so much stuff before we left Austin, but even so, I'm still worried we have too much... And when I think about it all in my head, it all seems so BIG -- why is all of our furniture so huge?? It's like we were living in the land of giants. Are we giant people??? I'm pretty short, actually... (so maybe it's not all as big as I'm remembering...) And it doesn't help that the building we're moving into has tiny, strangely shaped elevators, which should also make moving quite a challenge. (Tomorrow is going to be a multiple-visits-to-Starbucks day...)
So I think I'm finally getting over this cold that sidetracked me last week. And by the way, a little tip for everyone: do NOT buy tissues from Whole Foods when you have a cold. I mean, look, I love Whole Foods... and I have no problems with using recycled materials and being environmentally responsible and all that. But there are times when you really, really DON'T want your tissues to resemble the fine sandpaper used to finish a lovely piece of woodwork. Sometimes you really need those soft, squishy, excessive-use-of-paper, tree-killing tissues they sell at Walgreens and regular grocery stores. In fact, I couldn't even bring myself to finish off the box of Whole Foods organic, splinter-filled, made-of-recycled-pencils tissues I bought a few days ago -- I had to buy some Puffs from Walgreens. Puffs. Doesn't that sound nice?? You can just HEAR how soft they're going to be. Pufffffffs...
Totally random thought about Facebook: it's really weird sometimes. And I don't understand people who send out random friend requests to people they obviously don't know. For instance, I just received a "friend" request from a certain Mr. Mustafa. (By the way, my original name for him was "Arabic Name Guy" because his name is in Arabic and I had no idea what the English equivalent was. But it turns out you can translate Arabic in Google... cool...) I was also able to figure out that he lists his employer as "Saudi Arabia," which seems a little odd. So no, Mr. Mustafa who works for Saudi Arabia, I really DON'T want to be your "friend." Besides, we would obviously have this whole Arabic/English language barrier to work through...
Guess it's time to start thinking about dinner... and then we'll have to get to bed early so we can be up in plenty of time to get to Starbucks before we go to meet the movers. Wish us luck -- tomorrow should be interesting... :)
Good luck with the move tomorrow...and I'm sure if hear a faint sound in the wind tunnel that is my office building, I'll think of you.
Thanks, G! :)
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