Sunday, July 23, 2006

Some random pictures...

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever run out of things to write... if eventually, I'll get to a point where I've written everything I can possibly say, and my only recourse will be to repeat everything over again. Just for emphasis. So to prevent that from happening too soon, I feel I must pause my written prose now and then and intersperse it with random photos I've taken at various times and in various places... :)

Doors in an alleyway in France...

Houses in Stockholm, Sweden...

Painting over the entrance to a church in Berlin...

Saw these trees on the road to Hana in Maui. I thought they sort of looked like they'd been painted into the forest -- almost like impressionist painting trees...

Flying over the Alps...

A picture I like to call, "Eric, King of Martinis." And yes, he DID drink all of them himself. At least that's my recollection...

A sandcastle on the beach in Maui...

A picture of me that was taken in the dark... probably when I wasn't aware that anyone was taking a picture...

Sunset in Arizona... or possibly New Mexico... either way, it's pretty impressive...


Anonymous said...

I love how good you are with camera!!! You take very interesting pictures.

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures! And oh my, you MUST introduce me to the dapper fellow behind all of those martinis!!