Friday, August 11, 2006

More random stuff...

Okay, since things out there in the real world are so crazy right now, I thought I’d do another silly quiz/questionnaire thing that I found on the internet. I know Kat said she liked these things, so I hope everyone else does, too. I mean, what could be more fun than learning a bunch of useless facts about me? Hmmm… don’t anybody answer that…

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
No… unless Eric has gone through my things without me knowing. (Hey, didn’t I have 20 bucks in my wallet??)
2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
Nope. But I’m not one of those people who holds their arms up, either. I’m usually holding on to the safety restraint for dear life.
3. When was the last time you went sledding?
Sledding? Wow… must’ve been back when we lived in our house on Lee Hill Road in New Jersey – we had this great, steep driveway that started up at the street and sloped down toward the house and the garage. When it snowed, we had an automatic sled run – we’d use garbage bags or pieces of cardboard, and slide right down the driveway. It was really fun. Of course, that driveway could also be really dangerous – like if it started snowing before school was out… so by the time the bus dropped me off, I’d have to find a way to get down the driveway to the front door in my school clothes without ending up bruised or with a broken bone.
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Hmmm… that really depends. But in general, I like to have room to move around when I sleep. Which makes a king-size bed a must.
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
6. Do you consider yourself creative?
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
I think Angelina has gotten a really bad rap over the whole Jennifer/Brad breakup. If Brad left Jennifer for Angelina, then they were already having problems to begin with. I guarantee Angelina didn’t bat her eyelashes at Brad Pitt and suddenly make him say, “hey, I think I’ll leave my wife!” And to be honest, I really admire the things Angelina Jolie does for children, and the fact that she donates so much of her salary to charities.
9. Do you stay friends with your exes?
Ha! I don’t HAVE any exes! I was much too shy to go around doing something silly like “dating” when I was younger. (Wait, am I supposed to be proud of this or not??)
10. Do you know how to play poker?
Not really… I kind of know the basics, but I’d still need help with figuring out whether I had a straight flush or a royal flush or a toilet flush or whatever.
11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
48 hours? Probably not. Over 24 hours? Definitely. We used to go skiing in Colorado now and then with a group of friends, and we’d always leave from Austin in the evening, and drive straight through to Colorado. So we’d stay up all night, and then TRY to stay up until evening once we got to Colorado. All in all, it was probably about 39 or 40 hours without sleep.
12. What is your favorite commercial?
Um, the only thing I can think of is the “Be a Traveler” commercial on the travel channel, where they play this cool music and show scenes of places all over the world, and at the end it says “Be a Traveler.” And I’m always like, “Okay!”
13. What are you allergic to?
Mosquitoes, cedar, probably other stuff I’m not aware of. I think I might have some slight cat/dog allergies, because although I’m fine in my house with one cat and one dog, I have problems if I’m at Rick’s parents’ house for too long (they have three dogs and I don’t even know how many cats…).
14. If you are driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around, do you run red lights?
I don’t think I’m ever driving that late, but if I were, yeah, I’d probably run the red lights. Actually, most intersections in Austin change to either flashing yellow or flashing red when it gets to be midnight or so… I guess they figure you’re gonna run them anyway, so they might as well make it legal.
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows, but you?
Strangely, I don’t think so. I think at least one other person knows all of my terrible secrets. And Eric STILL hasn’t come to arrest me…
16. Boston Red Sox or Yankees?
Do I even have to say?
17. Have you ever been ice-skating?
Yes – in fact, when I was a kid in Buffalo, it would get cold enough in the winter that we could make our own backyard ice skating rinks. You just had to keep misting the hose over one area of the yard, until the ice was thick enough to skate on.
18. How often do your remember your dreams?
I can usually remember at least one every morning when I wake up.
19. When was the last time you laughed so hard, you cried?
Hmmm… can’t remember…
20. Can you name five songs by The Beatles?
Let’s see… I Wanna Hold Your Hand; Help; Hard Day’s Night; Twist and Shout; Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds… yes, yes I can.
21. What's the one thing on your mind now?
One thing? ONE thing? I don’t think I ever only have ONE thing on my mind…

22. Do you know who Ghetto Barbie is?
Uh, no… should I be afraid?
23. Do you always wear your seat belt?
Yep. I’m a rather obsessive seat belt wearer.
24. What cell service do you use?
25. Do you like Sushi?
Ughughugh… that would be no. (See "disgusting food" question below...)
26. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident?
Yikes. Not that I know of, but I don’t think I’d WANT to know about that.
27. What do you wear to bed?
Wouldn’t YOU like to know, oh mysterious asker of questions.
28. Been caught stealing?
When I was about five years old, I was with my mom at a drug store or something, and they had a basket full of Chapstick up by the register. And I thought if it was in a basket by the register, it must’ve meant you could just take them. So I took a Chapstick, and we walked all the way out to the parking lot before my mom noticed I’d taken it. I can’t remember if she made me take it back or not…
29. What shoe size do you have?
30. Do you truly hate anyone?
You know, one of the earliest lessons I can remember my parents teaching me is that you shouldn’t “hate” anyone. We were never allowed to say, “I hate so-and-so, I hate my teacher, I hate the next-door neighbor” etc. You can hate things that people do, or things that they say, but you don’t hate PEOPLE. So no, I don’t truly hate anyone. Hate is a very dangerous thing to hold in your heart…
31. Classic Rock or Rap?
Can I choose both? It would depend on my mood…
32. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be?
Oooooo… um… well, famous sports person, Derek Jeter… famous TV person, Naveen Andrews… famous movie person, Clive Owen (who SHOULD’VE been the new James Bond, by the way). Not that I’ve ever thought about any of that, of course…
33. Have you ever sung in front of the mirror?
34. What is your favorite song of all time?
There is no possible way for me to answer that. I like so many different kinds of music and so many different songs, that it would be impossible to narrow it down to ONE favorite song.
35. What food do you find disgusting?
Fish. Fish is just gross. It smells gross, it looks gross, it tastes gross. Lobsters look like giant cockroaches, but people just gobble them right up. Eeeeeeewwwww.
36. Do you sing in the shower?
If I’m not singing in front of the mirror, am I gonna be singing in the shower?
37. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
Um, not that I can remember. But I’m not sure I’ve ever been faced with a situation where a stranger needed to call me in for back up…
38. Have you ever been punched in the face?
Sheesh, no – well this survey took a sudden violent turn, didn’t it?

Okay, that’s it. Hope everyone discovered something new and interesting about me. Or something old and boring. Whichever. :)


Anonymous said...

Eric - did you read this?? I'm sure he will come and arrest you now Lisa, knowing that you run red lights :)

Anonymous said...

I think when Lisa and I visited Eric in Chicago last year, he was SHOWING us how to run the lights...


Evydense said...

I've never heard of anyone being allergic to cedar! That's truly a peculiar one (even more sad because it's one of my all-time favorite smells).

The answer that I appreciate the most here, though, is the one about not hating people. We throw that word around a lot now, without really meaning it most of the time, probably. Your folks and mine must have gone to the same school of "what's right and what's a no-no". That was always a much so that I often still challenge anybody who uses it around me and ask them if they really mean it, and if so exactly what do they mean by it. It at least usually gets them thinking if it's not too confrontational.

Fascinating list here. I might steal it for my own sometime.

Lisa said...

Evydense -- cedar is actually a really big problem here in Texas. And it's not the wood -- I love the smell of cedar, too, so I can still enjoy a good cedar closet or cedar chest. :) It's the pollen from the cedar trees -- around December or January, the cedar trees in Austin (and we have a LOT of cedar around here) release all their pollen into the air.

After that, those of us who are allergic to it pop Benadryl for about a month. Cedar allergies are such a big problem in Austin that someone coined the term "cedar fever" to describe all the symptoms. If you see someone sneezing and rubbing their eyes in January, you can pretty much assume it's "cedar fever." :)

And feel free to steal the list -- I stole it from someone else's blog! :)