Friday, December 01, 2006

Gotta go eat chocolate...

I'm hanging out at mom and dad's house right now... we all just got back from Cool River Cafe, which is a steak place not too far from here where it's very easy to eat waaaaay too much. I was too full for dessert, but I couldn't help but notice something called "seven-layer chocolate cake" on the menu, so I got it to-go and brought it back with me. I've never been one to pass up chocolate... especially seven layers of it. Should I eat it tonight? Save it for tomorrow? Such a dilemma...

So Eric D. told me to give him a shout out in my blog -- Eric D.! Eriiiiiic!! Eric from Joizee!!! Okay... there ya go... :) This is what he's been doing since he's been in Texas:

Well, this and hanging out in mom and dad's hot tub... the hot tub probably actually feels pretty good right now, seeing as it's so cold outside. Personally, I wouldn't know... because the thought of getting all comfy in the hot tub and then having to run -- in a swimsuit -- from there to the back door of the house in 35-degree weather is very unappealing to me. Seems silly that a little ten-second journey would be such a deterrent, but it is.

Instead, I think I'd rather eat my chocolate cake... yeah, I think I'm gonna have to eat it tonight... or maybe half tonight, half tomorrow. Either way, it doesn't require me to wear a swimsuit in 35-degree weather, so it's all good. Because that's the way chocolate is... :)

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