In lieu of all the embarrassing photos I threatened to post (although maybe I'll post some embarrassing photos of Eric eventually, since I have so many to choose from... :)), here is #7 in the photo project series:
A photo of someone you love.
This was Rick in Hawaii last year, which I took when he was gazing pensively out toward the ocean. Or something like that. I'm just amazed that I managed to keep the horizon straight (I have a habit of slightly tilting the camera to the side...)
And, hey, why not:
1970s-era, polyester-suited Eric at a Cubs game -- where I'm pretty sure everyone else was dressed normally... he just wanted an excuse to don some fake hair... (Love you, E! :))
Just had a flashback to the Beastie Boys video of their song "Sabotage" where they all dressed up like mid-70's crime drama detectives.
Ahh, I can hear that opening bass line and brief drum solo now...
Yeah, I can see why you'd think of that! (I had to go look the video up on You Tube because I wasn't familiar with it... :))
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