Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Random thoughts...

Hey, yesterday was my 200th post! Wow... time flies when you're writing lots of stuff about nothing...

I’m wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and drinking hot coffee – and BOTH of these things finally feel like they’re “in season.” In fact, my hands are kinda cold, and I’m thinking of turning the heat up…

Speaking of coffee – Starbucks has a new drink called a “maple macchiato.” It’s pretty good, but it definitely tastes like the kind of thing you should be drinking on a chilly autumn day – as opposed to a day where the sun is beating down relentlessly and you wish you’d worn a t-shirt instead of your Brooklyn Law School sweatshirt (I HAD to put it on yesterday, because it’d been so long since I wore my “my brother who graduated from law school is way smarter than YOUR brother who does whatever it is he does – certainly something less impressive than law school – not that I would ever disparage someone for working hard, no matter what they do… you know, to be honest, I mostly wear this sweatshirt because it’s warm…” shirt). I really like the peppermint mochas and gingerbread lattes Starbucks serves around Christmastime – but they really DO taste better when it’s freezing cold outside… I don’t know why, they just taste different.

So my dog Echo has this weird habit of pawing at the carpet before she lays down. And it’s not like she paws at the part of the carpet she’s intending to use as a bed – no, she just randomly scratches parts of the carpet, then walks away and goes to lay down somewhere else. I was listening to her last night while I was trying to fall asleep – she probably pawed at the carpet at the end of the bed about thirty times, then she finally walked around to the side of the bed and curled up there. Is that not completely bizarre?

And speaking of my pets, here’s a picture of Allegro behind some books on one of my bookshelves:

She sort of looks like a crazy, evil, lunatic cat in that picture. She has those glowing eyes, and what looks like a weird little half-smile. She’s plotting something… probably trying to decide where she should throw up next (this morning it was in the kitchen near the pantry. But at least it was on a tile floor… I hate it when she throws up on carpet…).

I’m wearing a red shirt today. More people give me compliments when I wear red than when I wear any other color. I guess it looks good on me? Or maybe lots of people just like red…

This is a pretty bad picture of me…

And here’s a picture for Nick, because I just HAPPENED to look over at the digital clock on my oven a little while ago:

By the way, Nick, did you ever see that movie “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”? Because in that movie, the priest explains that 3:00 am is considered the most evil time of day. That’s the time all the demons like the best. I mean, that movie was all about demons and exorcisms and it never made one single mention of 11:11… If 11:11 is such an evil time, wouldn’t it have made its way into exorcism lore? Wouldn’t Linda Blair’s head have spun around and spit pea soup at exactly 11:11? I’m just saying… perhaps all your fears are unfounded. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna have some serious fun on November 11, 2011. The plans are underway…

Just kidding. Maybe. :)


JBAE Rampage said...

CRUEL!!!! You are SO cruel Lisa. So very very cruel. Why would you post a picture of the "time which must not be named?" Why? We’ve discussed this before. And Rick...Rick is worse...Rick lured me to the site by saying that you had posted a rebuttal to my comments and that I should go and read it. Truthfully, you did post a reply…it just wasn’t the first thing I laid eyes on – it wasn’t at the top of your blog site. Honestly, I had been waiting for your reply and was very curious about what you might say. I was actually looking forward to the prospect of how you might respond. So, like a little boy at Christmas time rushing headlong down the stairs to the Christmas presents, I quickly moused my way up to my browser links, clicked on your blog url and began to scroll down anticipating the reading of your rebuttal text and heedless of any of real danger when…my gaze fell upon that horrible blasphemous image. My throat actually constricted there for a moment. There in hi-res, taken with your fancy schmancy digital camera and displayed on my 20” LCD monitor was a picture of the “time which must not be named.” Oh the horror. Thank you for opening Pandora ’s Box there, Lisa. You know not of what you’ve done. You’ve have let out an evil into the world and it shan’t be sealed away again. You have broken the wall of the forbidding and let a-loose the foulest of monsters…just in time for Halloween too. Did you forget that we just had a Friday the 13th this month? What is wrong with you WOMAN? I am now accursed. You are cruel, so very very cruel. I will get payback for this - someway and somehow I will find the strength to survive and abolish this curse you have so cavalierly set free and in the meanwhile I will find a way to make you suffer as I have suffered. I will start with your book pages. Yes…that’s right…I said your book pages. :-)Did you not think I’d remember your earlier confession about book page confirmation sequences? Did you?? Yes…you too have a quirkish obsessive compulsive habit...and I know what it is. Yes I know…and that knowledge will be your undoing…

Ok, so enough of that. Still, I hate you and will get you back.

After composing myself, I did manage to go down and read your reply to my comment. Ok, so I guess you made some good points. Well said and I can agree more with this post and I do think I might have taken things too seriously. I may have been too heavy handed but that’s just because I think you might be a much better mother than you think you’d be. I agree, my kids are smart and sweet and it’s all because of me…and some of Cindy too, I guess. :-) You know what Lisa, I agree, I think my kids might in fact make a nice singing group as they get older. I’m already working on some things for them. “So Long Farewell” would be a wonderful piece, but even I lack enough offspring for that song – too many darn parts, that, and well…Jordan’s German isn’t that good yet. We’re working on it though…

Lisa said...

I'm still laughing from reading this response... :)

And darn it... I never should've mentioned the book page thing. You don't have a key to my house, do you? I can't risk you sneaking in at a time when I'm not around to supervise your actions...

JBAE Rampage said...

Yeah, very funny. I will figure out a way to get to your book pages. Perhaps...during our next baseball draft. You'll be so busy fretting about where and how to draft Derek Jeter that I'll have time to pilage and plunder...