Saturday, October 21, 2006

Too warm...

Sigh… it’s 85 degrees right now. Will the see-sawing cool/warm weather never end? I think I’ve mentioned before how confusing it can be to get dressed on an autumn morning in Texas. Yesterday, it was so cool that I not only wore a long-sleeved shirt, but I threw on a cardigan sweater over it when I went outside. In fact, it was SO cool yesterday morning that I actually turned on the heat in the house for a little while. And that, my friends, was quite an exciting event. First time the heater has been on since, um, I don’t know – March?

So of course when I woke up this morning, I figured I might as well head straight to the “long-sleeved shirt” drawer in my dresser. I threw on a lovely fuchsia tunic with sparkly sequin bead-work (one of my favorite shirts…) and prepared to begin my day, which would hopefully include an outing in the shining (but certainly still cool) autumn sun. My parents were kind enough to drop off some Seattle’s Best coffee at around 10:30, although not nearly kind enough to actually bring it to the door (just kidding, mom and dad! J). So I walked outside to retrieve the coffee from their car, and as soon as I did, I realized the sun was beating down on my cloth-covered arms and warming me to an uncomfortable temperature. Well THIS wasn’t good… so I had to go back inside and change into a t-shirt. Another t-shirt. A t-shirt I’ve probably worn fifteen thousand times this year (never mind the fact that a year is comprised of only 365 days…).

But the high temperature tomorrow is only supposed to be 70 degrees. I purposely set aside my fuchsia tunic for tomorrow, when hopefully a long-sleeved shirt will be more appropriate. And I’m optimistic, especially after watching the last minute of the University of Texas/University of Nebraska football game this afternoon. And not only because Texas managed to win in the last 20 seconds (thanks to a field goal kicked by a player who’d never played in a UT game) – but also because it was snowing in Nebraska. And all that cold air up in Nebraska is supposedly heading down this way. Not cold enough to snow, of course.

But with any luck, it WILL be cold enough for the long-sleeved fuchsia tunic…

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